If it Ain’t Broke – 2.16

Last time: Betty came home, Harper’s boyfriend died unexpectedly and… that was really all the drama we needed for one update!

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Harper wasn’t quite done being sad, so she spent some time being cheered up by the dogs.

Despite numerous attempts at this point, Betty wasn’t pregnant yet. If anyone has any tips, please do let me know!

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Look who came to visit! Haruto’s a teenager now!

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Cousin video game session. Nice.

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Kendra: “Hey Mason, Haruto’s kicking your butt. And he’s like 12!”

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Mason had to go and knock over a bin to feel better about himself after he was destroyed by his little sister and cousin.

Mason: “Aaah. Inner peace.”

That didn’t last too long. The very next day…

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Mason: “No! Inner RAGE!”

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Kendra: “Ugh. Only a stupid BOY would hold a grudge on his birthday.”

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Oh right! Party time!

This one did actually take my by surprise, so I didn’t manage to arrange an actual party. And Kendra looked more interested in Max… but at least Harper made Mason a cake!

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He rolled the trait DOG LOVER which is adorable.

Kendra: “He just looks the same! He hasn’t grown up at all!”

Just you wait, Kendra.

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He got the light, early 20s scruff that all college-bound males seem to sprout, and a really evil little man-bun.

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Okay I actually love it.

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Oh hey! He got into his college of choice, with an offer to do a distinguished degree!

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Good job, Mason! Give yourself a pat on the back!

Wait… do you smell something burning?

Oh come on. Making a rotten cake AND setting the house on fire. Don’t make me release your spirit to the afterlife, Eric.

Kendra to the rescue!

Kendra: “Eugh. Fire is so boring.”

The happy faces of the Broke family!

After that crisis was averted, Mason got an invitation to hang out with an old friend.

It’s Gemma, and she’s finally happy for the world to know her and see her full face!

Gemma: “Yes, I do actually have eyes.”

She’s really pretty!

Mason: “How crazy is it that we’re out of high school?”

Gemma: “So crazy!”

His flirting has not improved.

What a cute pair.

I have certain plans if Mason becomes the heir, but not too many. Gemma may get to stick around…

Gemma: “Are you really gonna say no to this face?”

They’re not voting for you, Gemma. And Mason may not even like you that much.

Kendra played the violin for the last time as a sad teenager. Next time, she can play as a sad Young Adult!

Oh hey, another cousin! This is Jeremy (Dusty’s son) as a teen.

Between sessions I do pop in to manage world and save at least some townies from fashion disaster, and I’d already made Jeremy over. But he’s a cutie!

And it wouldn’t be a Broke update without a few words from the Notification Bar:

Ace was Harper’s childhood bestie, who went on to marry the father of her oldest child. Mason didn’t like him very much. RIP Ace.

Kendra: “Why is everyone so FAKE? I hate this stupid FAKE house and everyone in it!”

Mason: “Just a few more days and I can move to college.”

Nearly there, Mason!

Just time for a quick sunbathe in the yard…

And then it was party time!

This was a special one – Harper and Kendra were both aging up on the same day!

Everyone was there! Even that guy with cool dreads that I think Harper met at the bar one time!

None of Miles’ kids ever show up because the main Brokes haven’t met them – at least three live with him now, but there’s a fourth that I keep losing as they move between different houses.

Harper went first!

Donna: “Oh hey Aunt Harper. I’m just going to eat this cookie, don’t let me disturb you.”

Harper: “But I’m still so young!”

No, sorry, you are actually old now.

Charlie thought the whole thing was HILARIOUS. He’s fine, he doesn’t get old until way after Miles anyway.

Kendra’s turn!

I love that Miles sat in the seat that should obviously have been reserved for the birthday girl. Never change, Miles!

Feeling glamorous! And she rolled the trait… Dance Machine?

Makeover time!

I’ve definitely enjoyed taking Harper on a journey to shorter and shorter hair, so this felt like a natural conclusion.

Kendra is gorgeous! And an erratic, creative, dance machine. Sure!

And that’s the end of Gen 2! Now it’s over to you, my faithful readers. I plan on playing college no matter who wins, and as with the last generation, I wouldn’t count on saying goodbye to anyone just yet.

The poll is here

Please vote, and if you have any feedback or ideas for these two, please do let me know!

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